Sunday, 8 July 2012

Day 2 - Tijuana and Renovation Project

Today, the girls headed out to Tijuana to feed the poor at a breakfast program founded on the former garbage dumps.  Abbi and Sadie joined us as well as Bella and Lucas, Toni and Erin's children.  It was a really awesome experience to be able to have our children with us as we served the food to the families.

Despite our broken spanish, we were able to have small converastions with families, love on the kids and hold babies.  The breakfast program is an amazing program that feeds 250-340 people Monday through Friday and sometimes on weekends.  The population of the area is 2000, meaning that 10% of the people are being fed, sometimes their only meal of the day.  Everyone is welcome to have 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, basically eat until they are full.

Our breakfast consisted of eggs with hot dogs, tortillas and cinnamon raisin oatmeal.  

The homes on the former dumps of Tijuana

Happy kids with full bellies!!

While the girls were in Tijuana, the boys were at our house renovation.  They spent the day insulating and drywalling and finished their jobs just in time to babysit 20 kids so the girls team could host the ladies night for the single moms and volunteers of Casa de Luz.  Those guys were true troopers.  They just kept giving and giving, loving on those kids despite a full day of hard labour.

One of the boys' jobs was to paint the children's feet and make butterflies from their footprints.  We made a large banner that said, 'I believe you can fly' in spanish as a final surprise for the moms.

While the boys played with the kids, the girls team was prepping and hosting an evening of beauty.  With the help of some volunteers from La Hermosa church, we put on a wonderful spa night complete with hair, make up, pedicures and manicures, pina coladas (non-alcoholic!) and baking.  Plus, we were able to bring along some freestyle clothes so each woman was blessed with three new clothing items as well as new underwear and necklaces from Twigz.  At the end of the evening, I (Jocelyn) shared on the life cycle of the butterfly and how these women were beautiful and weren't meant to fly, to dream, to live how God called them to be.  We then handed out purses filled with goodies (to remind them of how beautiful they are) - thanks again to all those who donated to the event!

When I handed out one purse to a woman, she began to cry and said she had never had anything like this happen to her in her life.  She was so grateful and said I was beautiful.  I told her, No, she was beautiful and that is why we did this evening.  If she was the only one who received the love of God that evening, it was SOOOO worth it!   Though, I know many women were touched and reminded of how God loves and sees them.  

The banner was brought with the children at the end of the evening and the kids all shouted in unision in spanish that they believed their moms could fly and then handed their mom a butterfly craft they had worked on.  

It was such a special evening.  Not only did the women feel loved, they loved the attention and care and to be with other women.  There was lots of laughter and joy and a few moms were on their cell phones calling people to tell them they were getting their pedicures at that moment!  

A very full day, but a great one.  Thank you Jesus!

Photos of the guys work day to come...

Day 1 in Primo Tapia

Our first day in Primo Tapia was filled with fun and excitement.  The team arrived at Casa De Luz in the morning and got a chance to play with the kids and join in their daily physical exercise.

Soon enough the team got to work decorating the room for our birthday party.  We celebrated 10 children's birthdays at Casa De Luz.

The party included face painting,

parachute games,
an Angry Birds pinata

and some awesome cupcakes made by the team.

We also had the privilege of handing out gift bags to each child at the end of the day.  It was so fun to bless them with the toys and coloring books that they could take home with them.  Thank you so much for the many donations we received to make this happen.  The kids were very excited to open their bags!

The team had a great first day that ended with an amazing meal of Carne Asada made by the lovely women of La Hermosa.  Time to rest and get ready for Day 2!